To: President George W. Bush
From: Concerned Citizens of Florida
Subject: Briefing Memo on Miami Lobbyist Marco Rubio
Yesterday, while in Naples, Florida, you appeared to be caught off guard when asked about former Speaker and Miami Lobbyist Marco Rubio. According to media accounts you asked, "Who the hell is Marco Rubio?"
It is surprising that you don't know who Rubio is, given the fact much of your family, the family of your former Vice President Dick Cheney, and your former staff members including your so-called "brain" Karl Rove, are leading supporters of Rubio's campaign. We are concerned that any further snubs to Marco Rubio could be an embarrassment to you and him. Therefore, we hope you find the following briefing on Marco Rubio and his exploits helpful for your purposes and for preventing future slights.
Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio was a Miami lobbyist, who later became Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives. While his campaign tries to portray him as an outsider, the facts don't back that up. As the Miami Herald/St. Petersburg Times Tallahassee Bureau recently reported:
His entire bio underscores that Rubio, despite his supporters describing him as an outsider in his race against fellow Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, is a consummate insider. Consider: City commissioner, lawyer, lobbyist*, one-time Republican Party of Florida American Express card holder, top echelon House leader and, ultimately, House Speaker, Jeb Bush sword-of-Chang bearer.
Mr. President, despite the fact that on most issues Speaker Rubio's recent rhetoric doesn't match his record, there are two areas of which you should find Rubio's stance particularly interesting. Marco Rubio is still fighting two of your failed policy battles: to enact Social Security privatization and to stop life-saving stem cell research.
Rubio Regurgitates Failed Washington Agenda
Despite the economic crash, and the vast majority of Floridians being against privatizing Social Security, Speaker Rubio is keeping up the fight for your plan to dismantle the program on which so many of Florida's senior citizens depend.
Rubio Supports Privatizing Social Security
On Feb. 2, 2010 the Reid Report reported that, "A spokesman for the Rubio campaign says the candidate 'supports giving people the option of investing a portion of their Social Security in personal retirement accounts,' which essentially is the Bush proposal." [Reid Report, 2/3/2010, Link]
Rubio: Social Security Should Include Private Accounts
On Jan. 31 2010 Tim Nicken the Editor of Editorials for the St. Petersburg Times reported during the previous week Rubio, "resurrected the failed Republican pitch to let people invest part of their Social Security money, a bad idea even before the recession wiped out many Americans' savings." [St. Petersburg Times, 1/31/2010]
Rubio Signed Laura Ingram's Ten for '10 Petition Pledging Support for Privatization
On Sept. 15, 2009 conservative radio host Laura Ingram announced that Rubio was among those who signed her "Ten for '10" pledge that included support for privatization of social security. The relevant part of Ingram's petition reads:
8) End Generational Theft. As few believe America's entitlement programs will be able to pay benefits to future generations, provide younger workers the choice of diverting payroll/Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts. [Laura Ingram, "Ten for '10," 9/15/2009, Link]
Rubio's Embraced Endorsements of Noted Privatization Advocates
Rubio Embraced Endorsement of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)
On Jan. 6, 2010 Rubio embraced the endorsement of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) stating in a press release that:
Paul Ryan has become one of the Republican Party's brightest stars because of his willingness to tackle today's policy challenges with innovative and compelling conservative ideas. Paul Ryan's willingness to stand up for his principles and offer real solutions to our nation's challenges has made him one of the GOP's intellectual giants and a leader taxpayers can depend on to look after them and their hard-earned dollars. [Marco Rubio for Senate Press Release, 1/6/2010, Link]
Ryan FY 2011 Budget Called for Privatizing Social Security
On Feb. 8, 2010 Roll Call reported that Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) budget plan would slash medicare and privatize social security. Roll Call wrote, "The Budget ranking member's audacious plan to balance the budget by reinventing slimmer versions of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the tax code is forcing Republicans to determine how specific they want to be about taking on the enormous federal debt." [Roll Call, 2/8/2010]
Tax Policy Center: Ryan Plan "Would Reduce Future Social Security Benefits"
On Feb. 4, 2010 the Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution wrote that, "Ryan would reduce future Social Security benefits and create voluntary private accounts, much like the old Bush plan; turn Medicare into a voucher program starting in 2021; and cap spending for Medicaid, now an open-ended entitlement." [Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution, 2/4/2010, Link]
Ezra Kline: Ryan's Social Security Privatization Increases Its Cost
On Feb. 5, 2010 Ezra Kline opined in the Washington Post that Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) proposal to privatize social security would increase the program's cost. Kline wrote, "His proposal to add optional private accounts to Social Security actually increases the program's cost, which is a good reminder that Social Security plays little role in our long-term deficits." [Washington Post, Ezra Kline, 2/5/2010, Link]
Rubio Touted Endorsement of Steve Forbes
On Jan. 28, 2010 Rubio unveiled the endorsement of Steve Forbes who he stated in his press release had run for President touting among his key positions, "a new Social Security system for working Americans." [Marco Rubio for Senate Press Release, 1/28/2010, Link]
Forbes Called for Individuals Privately Investing 75% of Social Security Taxes
On June 10, 1999 according to the Associated Press hat Steve Forbes speaking to the Greater Des Moines Chamber of Commerce said Americans "should be able to invest up to three-fourths of their Social Security taxes in private accounts, out of the reach of politicians in Congress." [Associated Press, 6/10/1999]
Rubio Endorsed by Long Time Privatization Advocate Club for Growth
On Nov. 9, 2009 the Club for Growth endorsed Rubio's Senate campaign noting that he was "an advocate of lower federal spending, tax relief and tax reform." The Club for Growth has long been a vocal supporter of privatization of social security and states on its website that it seeks to "Create Social Security personal retirement accounts that workers would own and could use to build nest eggs for retirement." [Club for Growth Press Release, 11/9/2009, Link; Club for Growth, "Our Philosophy," Link]
Rubio Opposes Medical Research, Opposes Hope For The Sick
Despite medical evidence that it's the best hope for millions of sick or disabled Americans, Marco Rubio opposed stem cell research - even voted against funding for non-embryonic stem cell research - and failed to meet the call of other Republicans for funding for non-embryonic stem cell research. Just like you Mr. President, Marco Rubio knows his personal ideology is more important than anyone else's right to a healthy life. That's why extremists agree on having Marco Rubio in the Senate. He can decide what health care treatment options are available to each of us, because we can't be trusted to make those decisions ourselves.
Rubio Voted Against Funding for Embryonic and Non-Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Roll Call Vote 730
Amendment 990241
Rep. Franklin Sands
Failed 40-73
On Apr. 6, 2006 Project Vote Smart reported that Rubio voted against an amendment that earmarked $1 million from the James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program to fund research grants on adult, umbilical cord and embryonic stem cell projects. The amendment failed in the House 40-73. [Project Vote Smart Florida House Votes, Roll Call Vote 730, 4/6/2006]
Rubio: I Supported Bill That Banned Taxpayer Funding of Stem Cell Research
On his website, Marco Rubio states that he opposes the taxpayer funding of stem cell research, a position he notes he took while in the legislature. Rubio states:
"I am pro-life. As a state legislator, I supported various pieces of pro-life legislation that, among other things, would require doctors to perform ultrasounds before performing abortions and another bill that would ban the use of taxpayer dollars to fund stem cell research." [Marco Rubio for Senate Issues Page, accessed 2/16/2010, Link]
2007 Rubio: "I Oppose State Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research"
On Feb. 1, 2007 the News-Journal reported that Rubio rebuffed Gov. Crist's efforts to fund stem cell research, stating, "I oppose state funding of embryonic stem-cell research." The paper reported that the package Crist introduced "Proposed spending $20 million to spur stem-cell research in Florida but rejected funding for controversial research that involves destroying human embryos." [News-Journal, 2/1/2007]
Rubio 2007 Budget Cut Out Funding Stem Cell Research
On May 4, 2007 the Tallahassee Democrat reported that the budget passed by the Rubio led legislature cut out "nearly $60 million for stem cell research and antiviral flu treatments" requested by Gov. Crist. [Tallahassee Democrat, 5/4/2007]
Family Research Council Endorsement Touted Rubio's Opposition to Embryonic, But Support for Adult Stem Cell Research
On Nov. 5, 2009 the Conservative Family Research Council Action PAC endorsed Rubio's U.S. Senate campaign. In their endorsement the FRC said, "Rubio also understands the importance of adult stem cell research in treating patients. He also endorsed legislation to ensure that taxpayers aren't forced to fund embryonic stem cell research." [Marco Rubio for Senate, "FRC Action PAC Endorses Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate," 11/5/2009, Link]
Rubio Led Legislature Failed to Even Fund Non-Embryonic Stem Cell Research
The News Journal noted on May 6, 2007 that the Rubio led legislature had not addressed funding requested by Gov. Crist for $20 million to fund non-embryonic stem cell research. [News-Journal, 5/6/2007]
In closing, Mr. President, we hope you will find this briefing memo helpful so that when you return to Florida, you will remember the name of the faux-outsider, lobbyist and far-right extremist Marco Rubio.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Briefing Memo To President George W. Bush on Miami Lobbyist Marco Rubio
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