Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Congresswoman Brown-Waite Took Thousands from Scandal Plagued WellPoint Insurance

From Jim Piccillo:

Piccillo Challenges Ginny Brown-Waite to Return Thousands in WellPoint “Blood Money”

Congresswoman Brown-Waite Took Thousands from Scandal Plagued WellPoint Insurance
Piccillo: “WellPoint's greedy price-hike scheme is right out of the Wall Street handbook; designed to make them rich while families lose their health care coverage.”

Land O Lakes, FL- Jim Piccillo, the leading opponent to Congresswoman Ginny Brown- Waite, called on her today to return the $2,000 in campaign contributions she took from the controversial insurance company WellPoint. Piccillo issued this challenge after weekend reports revealed that WellPoint insurance increased their premiums by 39% only days after posting a $2.7 Billion profit last fiscal quarter.

“I support bringing down monthly insurance premiums for Florida's families through common-sense reforms to our health care system. Ginny Brown-Waite voted for a health care bill that would take six years to achieve 3% savings in health care premiums for 8 out of 10 Americans. She voted for that bill to protect the same insurance companies, like WellPoint, that pumped over $150,000 into her campaign during last year's health care debate. It should make people wonder who Ginny Brown-Waite is really working for; big insurance companies or us, her constituents,” said Piccillo.
Piccillo is running for Congress to restore common-sense by holding greedy insurance companies and other special interests accountable while Florida families struggle to make ends meet during this crippling recession that has the district facing record unemployment levels.

“What WellPoint did disgusts me. They are the perfect example of what's wrong with the American health care system today. WellPoint's greedy price-hike scheme is right out of the Wall Street handbook; designed to make them rich while families lose their health care coverage. That's why Ginny Brown-Waite should return the $2,000.00 she took from them for her campaign. WellPoint's blood money has no place in this campaign,” concluded Piccillo.


  1. And we all know what Brown-Waite's voting record is. She has sold her soul to the corporatists, plutocrats and oligarchs as has her Right Wing Reactionary Republican Party. Piccillo is 100% correct in his assessment of Congresswoman Brown-Waite.

    Brown-Waite's party caused this Great Recession with its laissez faire, hands-off approach to
    Wall Street. It appears that Americans are about to reward them for that and for obstructing any effort by the Democrats to level the playing field for average hard-working Americans and America's struggling small business.

    The "pity the poor rich" mentality sweeping the nation these days doesn't make sense. Piccillo offers an intelligent, pragmatic approach with his honest concerns about the working poor and the middle class and small business--the actual force behind American capitalism's success. The "too big to fail" moguls of Wall Street and their best buds, the Right Wing Reactionary Republcan Party, need a kick in the teeth. After all, while the rest of the US struggles to survive, Wall Street is making a killing. They don't need America's pity or its votes!!!

    Harley Spoon

  2. And America cannot afford to give the government back to the corrupt New World Order Corporate National Security Statists--the Right Wing Reactionary Republican Party--so they can go back to the plundering that occurred under Bush/Cheney and their K-Street/Wall Street compadres from 2001-2009. Bush/Cheney presided over the massive redistribution of America's wealth from the working poor and middle class consumer base to the corporatists, oligarchs and plutocrats.

    When you take buying power away from the buyers and give it to the sellers--as Bush/Cheney and their Right Wing Reactionary Republican Party has done--you spit on the basic tent of capitalism. If the buyers can't buy the sellers can't sell. If the sellers can't sell, they don't hire workers. That old concept that says "build it and they will come" doesn't work if "they" can't afford the car or the gas or the bus ticket to get there.

    It all starts with the working poor and middle class consumer. If the consumer base has the buying power, business will find a way to finance the production of goods and services to sell; in the absence of a strong middle class consumer, no matter how much government gives business, business won't spend money on production of goods it can't sell...and the downward spiral continues.

    Obama is trying to strabilize the system. He has had a year to get it going. It took Reagan 4 whole years to get unemployment down to 8%...and that included 1 tax cut and 2 tax increases, record annual budget deficits, record national debt growth, taking the US from being the leading lender nation in the world to being the leading debtor nation in the world. Please don't tell me about "conservative" economic policy being the panacea for the world. It ain't! Every-time RWR Republican "supply side" policies and "pity the poor rich" tax cuts for the rich are implemented, this nation falls into recession. That is historical fact.
