Tuesday, March 30, 2010


From Heather Beaven:


No more pre-existing conditions, controlled health care costs, expanded access to affordable health care: I believe that Democrats, Republicans and Independents can agree that these are just a few of the vital health care reforms that needed to be addressed in Congress.

John Mica is not one of those people. He proved it when he voted against healthcare reform, but voted in favor of the Republican healthcare “alternative” bill. To be blunt, the bill he voted for was a, “get richer much quicker” scheme for big insurance companies, HMO’s and pharmaceutical companies.

The plan would only lower health care premiums by 0 to 3 percent by 2016 for 80 percent of Americans. These aren’t my numbers; these are from the bi-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Mica’s shameful support for this bill, which was obviously written by drug and insurance companies, is a stab in the back to those of us paying more for less coverage in private health care plans (to say nothing of the Floridians who live in fear because they lack any health care coverage).

We all know that John Mica is an uncompromising career politician who puts his party over us. But to vote to spend billions to reduce insurance premiums by 3 percent, and call it reform is insulting. Mica’s small bore thinking is exactly what helped the American health care system to fall into the terrible mess we see today. Simply put, John Mica is applying 20th Century logic to a 21st Century challenge.

I’m running for Congress because we deserve a new approach to the new challenges we face. We cannot continue to allow Mica to apply 20th Century logic to the problems we face in the 21st Century.

If you agree, I hope you’ll stand with me in this campaign to hold Mica accountable for abandoning us on health care reform. Let’s send Mica the message today that we’ve had enough of his work for the insurance companies by contributing $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign today.


Currently there are an estimated 800,000 + jobs directly related to the clean energy sector, and hundreds of thousands more in related industries. Clean energy has the potential to add an additional 1.7 million jobs in the near term and 5 million jobs by 2020. The clean energy market is booming around the world, yet we are behind the curve here in Florida. In fact, the number of American clean energy jobs increased by 9.1% during the last decade as compared to a 3.7% in overall American employment.

But Germany and China are on the hunt too.

The German environmental technology sector is projected to account for some 16% of German industrial production by 2030. China has allotted more than $230 billion in economic stimulus funding to clean energy initiatives and—as a percentage of GDP—is investing 10 times more than the United States on clean power.

We don't need to just imagine these possibilities in Florida; we need to get to work creating these jobs in order to reduce the unemployment rate and get our local economies back on track. In Congress, that's just what I'll do.


Operation Mommy Bomb has been declared a victory. Together with you, we were able to shatter all previous weekly donor records; and received an overwhelming outpouring of positive feedback from supporters like you. Thank you to everyone who helped make Operation Mommy Bomb a huge success!


Campaigns take money to be successful and, like it or not, Beaven for Seven is not immune to that fact. That's why I hope you'll dig deep to help me keep March strong with a contribution of $5, $25, $50, $100 or more by clicking here.

Your continued help will allow us to talk about creating the jobs of the future right here in Florida while we work to get rid of John Mica's 20th century mindset! So do what you can and contribute online today by clicking here!

Yours truly,

Heather Beaven


Sunday, March 28, 2010

From the Blogs


The latest stories from the Florida blogs (and beyond) about Congressional Republicans.

Saint Petersblog: Crist launches atrocious, unfunny anti-Rubio website

The Reid Report: Mason-Dixon poll shows a more reality based GOP contest

Pushing Rope: Crist Continues to Tout Cover Florida

Change in Tallahassee: Crist and Rubio Duke It Out

The Reid Report: Florida follies: Rubio hit with ethics complaint, Charlie is really, really conservative (really) and … Buckwheat?

Pushing Rope: Marco Rubio Protests Too Much

Eye on Miami (gimleteye): Charlie Crist: make your campaign about the sugar billionaires

The Reid Report: Charlie climbs on board the Waterloo express: says he wants repeal too

Saint Petersblog: US Rep. Brown-Waite cites display of support from constituents for opposition to health care reform -- only problem is they're from Pennsylvania

South Florida Daily Blog: Transitioning Out Of Rubio v1.0 [UPDATED]

South Florida Daily Blog: You Don't Speak For Me, Marco

The Campaign Manager: Effects of Healthcare Reform on the Tampa Bay Area

The Reid Report: Marco Rubio’s bad mojo

The Reid Report: For Marco Rubio, expensive chickens roosting

The Reid Report: Rubio’s brand dented with conservatives, Hispanics?

Saint Petersblog: Marco Rubio launches petition against ObamaCare AND Crist

The Reid Report: Uh-oh Rubio …

Smooth Like Remy: Tea Party Darling Marco Rubio's Lavish Lifestyle

South Florida Daily Blog: Fox News, Marco Rubio And Charlie Crist

"Rubio Sets the Record Straight"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Marco Rubio Attack Ads



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Governor Crist Statement On The House Health Care Vote

The Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate campaign today released the below statement from Gov. Crist following the House passage of the Senate government run health care bill:

“It is disappointing to see that President Obama and Democrat leadership convinced enough members of their Party, including Rep. Meek, to completely ignore the will of the American people, and pass their government run health care bill.

“This bill is comprised of secret backroom, sweetheart deals, includes a last minute Executive Order, and the passage of such a bill is a direct affront to the American people.

“Americans deserve better than this liberal, partisan legislation that amounts to a government take over of health care while raising rates, raising taxes, and significantly cutting Medicare."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who Will Tim Pawlenty endorse in Florida Republican Senate Primary?

From FDP:

As Minn. Gov. and Presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty travels to Orlando today to raise money for the Republican Governor's Association, Florida Democratic Party Chair Karen Thurman called on Pawlenty to let Floridians know who he will support in the state's primary. Pawlenty has refused to make an endorsement, even though his Political Action Committee's mission is "helping candidates and translating our ideas into policies that everyone can relate to and support."

"It's a simple question -- will Tim Pawlenty let Floridians know where he stands on the Crist/Rubio primary? Will he join Jim DeMint and the rest of the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party in endorsing Speaker Rubio? Or will he risk angering his base by endorsing Gov. Crist? The real question here is this: if Tim Pawlenty really considers himself a national Republican leader, shouldn't he have enough spine to say publically where he stands on the Florida Republican Senate primary?"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Republican Party Agrees With Charlie Justice

Today in Washington the Republican Congressional Committee joined Charlie Justice as well as Democratic leaders in Congress in the movement to end the corruptive practice of earmarks that continue to drive the U.S. economy and budget out of control.

“It is refreshing to see that even the Republican Party can no longer tolerate the corruptive practice of earmark/pork-barrel spending that has gone on for far too long in our government. Democrats and Republicans agree that earmarks are corrupting our government and wasting taxpayers’ money,” stated Charlie Justice candidate for Congress FL-10. “Cong. Bill Young still clings to the idea that there is nothing wrong with pork-barrel spending and goes so far as to brag about it. About the only person left who thinks pork-barrel spending is a good idea seems to be Bill Young. The fact that he’s bragging about wasteful spending even as his Republican colleagues in Congress are pledging not to request any earmarks acknowledges how out-of-touch Bill Young is with reality and the struggles the people here back home are dealing with.”

According to Alex Leary of the St. Petersburg Time, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana, chairman of the Republican conference acknowledged, “federal spending is out of control and the American people know it. Earmarks have become emblematic of everything that is wrong with spending here in Washington D.C."

Charlie Justice Says Bill Young Milked the STAR Center for $145,000 in Campaign Cash

Congressman Bill Young has put amendments in the federal budget totaling $33 million for tenants of the STAR Center and has received $145,000 in campaign contributions from tenants there, according to Charlie Justice.

“If you made a movie about Bill Young’s abuse of the STAR Center it wouldn’t win an Oscar because it’s just unbelievable,” Justice said. “Bill Young is using the STAR Center as a cash cow for his campaign.”

Justice’s release of the information today is the fifth installment in his “ten point indictment” of Young’s abuse of power. Before today’s release, Justice criticized Young for sending $13.5 million to New York Harbor for a floating museum and pointed out that Young-backed earmarks have been investigated by law enforcement officials on four separate occasions. Three of those investigations are still open. Justice also revealed that Young has placed amendments on the budget to the tune of $118 million that directly benefited his sons, daughter-in-law and former members of his staff. Young also spent $30,000 of his campaign cash for a luxury car for himself.

One of the tenants of the STAR Center, Raytheon, accounted for approximately $100,000 in contributions, Justice said.

Raytheon is at the center of a battle that pits Justice and his constituents against Young and the defense contractor. Last week, Justice, a state senator, sent a letter to Governor Charlie Crist and other state officials calling for immediate action to clean up a dangerous industrial plume affecting his constituents. The latest remedial action proposal that came from Raytheon suggested that the cleanup of the site won’t be complete for 78 years.

In 1991, the Department of Environmental Protection found the toxic plume to be affecting neighborhoods in Justice’s St. Petersburg district. However, residents were not made aware of the contamination until 2008, seventeen years later. Over the past seventeen years, the dangerous chemicals have migrated 200 acres, affecting two apartment complexes, three neighborhoods, community parks, schools and the waters of Tampa Bay.

“While the people of St. Petersburg wait for action from Raytheon, Congressman Bill Young took $100,000 in campaign contributions from the company and their lobbyists. No wonder the cleanup is being slow walked,” Justice said.

In 1995 the Department of Energy sold its Largo, FL facility to Pinellas County for redevelopment. The county was so pleased with the facility’s success that in 2001 they renamed it in part after Rep. Young. He touts the success of the STAR Center as an example of his ability to bring jobs to Pinellas County. (STAR Center website, Congressman Bill Young brochure)

$145,000 to Young from STAR Center Tenants and their Lobbyists

“Just when it starts to look as though Bill Young is doing something solely to benefit his community – like using his influence over the already-stretched defense budget to direct tens of millions to his district – the other shoe drops,” Justice said. “Each of the seven tenants that received earmarks through Rep. Young’s efforts returned the favor by kicking in for his re-election campaign.”

Since 2006, Young has received $145,000 in contributions from the tenants of the STAR Center and their lobbyists. Young, leaving no stone unturned in his thirst for campaign cash, even received a donation from the facility’s director.

Florida Democratic Party to Speaker Rubio: Where do You Stand on the RNC "Fear-gate" Presentation

As the fallout from the fear-mongering RNC fundraising presentation continues, Miami lobbyist Marco Rubio has been silent on the issue of the leaked presentation which uses crude images and caricatures of the President and other Democrats to scare the American people.

Today, the Florida Democratic Party called on Speaker Rubio to take a stand on the despicable fundraising tactics by the Republican National Committee which breathlessly uses cries socialism, calls Democrats "The Evil Empire" and depicts President Obama as The Joker.

"It's a very simple question, Speaker Rubio," said Florida Democratic Party Spokesman Eric Jotkoff. "Do you agree with the RNC's tactics to exploit donors and Americans through fear, use images of the President of the United States as The Joker and warn voters of the coming of 'socialism'? If not, will you condemn the use of such political tactics, or is fear really the only thing the Republican Party has left?

"Those who Miami lobbyist Marco Rubio wants to represent deserve to know where he stands on this issue. Leading Republicans have already condemned the RNC's strategy of fundraising on lies and stoking fears, but will Rubio? Speaker Rubio, the people of Florida are eagerly awaiting your answer."

The Republican Party's PowerPoint presentation described high-level Republican donors as "ego-driven" and claimed they could be enticed with "tchochkes." The document also included a slide - titled "The Evil Empire" - with images depicting Obama as the Joker, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as Cruella DeVille and Harry Reid as Scooby Doo. Democratic Party Chairman Tim Kaine called for a "house cleaning" over the incident on Friday.

Please click the link below to see the Democratic National Committee ad titled "Is Fear All They Have Left?"


Friday, March 5, 2010

Kendrick Meek Previews the Governor's 2010 State of the State Address

Hours before the Governor delivered his 2010 State of the State address, Kendrick Meek issued the following statement regarding Florida's troubled economic state:

"Floridians do not need to wait for this address to know the dire state of our state. We are hurting today because of bankrupt policies of the past that put special interests first and our communities last. That's been the status quo in Florida for over a decade and I have always stood up against the powerful and for the people. High unemployment rates in our counties, cities and towns are more than just numbers--they represent real people with families whose lives are being turned upside down. I see this pain in every living room I visit and every small business I enter. Bringing new, long term jobs to our state was what we were promised by the leadership of this state, but we are being let down. My fight is for all of us. I will continue to work hard to take Florida from recession to recovery. Only then can the state of our state be fully prosperous."

Monday, March 1, 2010

CNN Breaks Down Rubio's Nonsensical Explanation of Credit Card Misuse

Indictment #4 Young Used Campaign Funds To Buy A Luxury Car

From Charlie Justice:

Rep. Bill Young Used Campaign Funds To Buy A Luxury Car

Fourth Count of Indictment: Luxury Car with Campaign Funds

Young bought $30,000 car using campaign funds to “keep in touch” with constituents

St. Petersburg, FL - February 18, 2010 - Charlie Justice says Congressman Bill Young is so out of touch with reality that he once used his campaign fund to buy himself a luxury car.

“When a Congressman starts using his campaign funds to buy himself a luxury car then you can bet he thinks he’s untouchable,” Justice said. “The purchase of the car seems to be a point in time when Young became more reckless and arrogant than ever. He began putting more and more amendments in the federal budget for lobbyists and accepting huge campaign contributions in return.”

During the 1990 campaign cycle, Rep. Young purchased a brand new Lincoln Continental using $30,000 in campaign funds. Although questions were raised over a possible ethics violation, Young maintained that there was nothing untoward about the purchase. He claimed the car was necessary for campaigning in his district, but he ran unopposed in the 1990 election.

“Congressman Bill Young doesn’t think he has to answer to anybody. Not the voters, the taxpayers or the Ethics Committee,” Justice said.

Justice’s release of the information today is the fourth installment in his “ten point indictment” of Young’s abuse of power. Before today’s release, Justice criticized Young for sending $13.5 million to New York Harbor for a floating museum and pointed out that Young-backed earmarks have been investigated by law enforcement officials on four separate occasions. Three of those investigations are still open. Justice also revealed that Young has placed amendments on the budget to the tune of $118 million that directly benefited his sons, daughter-in-law and former members of his staff.

“At a time when families and small businesses in Pinellas County are struggling to make ends meet, Bill Young and his friends and family are living the high life at the taxpayers’ expense,” Justice said. “When I see this kind of abuse of trust I completely understand the anger and frustration that is shaking the foundations of our democracy.”

“In his relentless quest for campaign contributions, Congressman Young has taken $737,000 in campaign cash in return for inserting so-called budget ‘earmarks’ into the federal budget. Along the way, investigations have shown that Young’s benefactors have been investigated for a variety of charges including bribery and fraud,” Justice said.

“Here’s what I will do differently. I won’t be buying a luxury car with my campaign funds as your Congressman. To do so would be, in my view, an insult to the people of Pinellas County who are struggling to make ends meet,” Justice said.

Indictment #4 – Luxury Car with Campaign Funds

$30,000 in campaign funds unethically spent by Young.

$30,000 for a Luxury Car

Thanks to defense contractors and others who gave money to his campaign, Rep. C. W. Bill Young of St. Petersburg liked to ride in style in a light blue Lincoln.

The 10th-term Republican bought the car in August of 1990 with $29,124 in campaign money, replacing another Lincoln that Young's campaign leased for the last four years. He also billed the campaign for the new car's taxes and title, a portable telephone and frequent fill-ups at the gas station.

Exercised His Own Discretion Over Ethical Rules

Young didn't reach into his own pocket for the new Lincoln because, he said, the car will be used to drive to political events in his district in and around St. Petersburg.

"There is a very legitimate need for transportation," Young said.

He said he chose a Lincoln because "it's big" and can carry several passengers. The car's standard features include air conditioning, AM/FM stereo cassette, power windows, power antenna and power seats, according to a saleswoman at Scarritt Motors where Young's campaign bought the car.

"I don't think this is the kind of campaign expenditure people are concerned about. This is all up front. It's a pure provision of transportation for political purposes," Young said. "There's nothing hidden here. There's nothing improper about it at all." (St. Petersburg Times, Sep. 27, 1990)

Rivera, Sansom Re-Run, Enters Congressional Race

From FDP:

Given that State Representative David Rivera was handpicked by scandal-magnet Ray Sansom to head the House Budget Committee, Rivera's announcement today that he'll seek the Republican nomination to run for Congress in Florida's 25th district means Rivera starts his campaign under an ethical cloud.

"It hasn't even been a week since disgraced Speaker Ray Sansom resigned under criminal indictment and now his handpicked Budget Chair says he's running for Congress. Is this an indication of how hard it is to find a Republican candidate in Florida not marked by scandal?" asked Eric Jotkoff, spokesman for the Florida Democratic Party. "Rivera better tell Floridians the truth about his role in the scandal that's gripping the Republican Party of Florida and whether he had an RPOF AmEx card. Until he comes clean with the voters of Florida, he will continue to face serious questions about his shady associations and backroom deals."